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The color of your office determines your effectiveness.

Tips to keep in mind when preparing your workplace.


Due to a circumstance like the current one, caused by the pandemic, we have never before reached the numbers of teleworkers that we have today.

Whether positively or negatively, working from home is a challenge, nowadays many distractions of everyday life converge in our working day. We must take advantage of the fact that we work in our habitat, to use those colors that give you more support and help you work more effectively.

Ask yourself how you would like to feel and behave when working from home and look for those colors that give you those feelings and behaviors that are most positive for you.

Your role may be different depending on the day and time. Sometimes being more methodical and procedural, because you need to check and control expenses, or being more creative and imaginative, because you need to design a corporate brand or commercial logo. If you are in one role or the other it is very likely that the colors of the room where you get more performance will be different, the important thing is that you listen to your body.

Ask yourself how you would like to feel and behave when you work at home and look for colors that give you those positive feelings and behaviors.

When you consider what colors your chair, curtains or cushions should be, the cup you drink from and the clothes you wear, you can start to work out a color system that fits your personality.

When you start to feel that you are behaving the way you want to behave, you will know that your choice of colors is the right one.

Here are some tips on how to set up your work space at home:

Choose a color scheme that is related to the task you perform.

If you need to motivate yourself to perform tedious tasks such as customer service calls, etc...choose a color that helps you to adopt the right attitude. Once you are done with the action remove the color from your sight, to concentrate on writing and summarizing your impressions.

Think about whether you need the colors all over the room or not:

You may need colors in the form of simple touches, such as accessories, desk objects, plants or flowers, which you can take out or put away whenever you need them.

Choose the location of these colors:

Whether they will be in front of your eyes or behind or you will sit on top of them. The effect, feeling is different.

The quantity, shade of colour is essential:

Finding the right proportions of colour is vital because otherwise the effect on you may be the opposite.

If you paint the walls of your office in red because you need motivation, if you use a very intense tone or if you paint all the walls in the same colour, the effect may be counterproductive.

I hope I have helped you with my presentation.

Colours are essential in our day to day life so you must take care of what colour you use in every action, such as a job interview.

I encourage you to read my article on - what colours to use in a job interview - . It may be of great help to you.

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