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What colours to wear to a job interview?

In this article I help you to pay attention to what to wear to a job interview.



It is important to keep in mind that you can use the colour palette to boost your confidence, your alertness and give you more presence, so when preparing for a job interview or an important presentation:

  1. Ask yourself the question:

- How you feel now.

- How you want to feel.

- How you want others to interact with you.

2. Choose colours that support the way you want to feel: authoritative, serious, calm, friendly, fun or bold. If you can't wear the colours you want, because you feel they are not appropriate, I encourage you to wear beads in those colours or underwear in the same colour.

3. Choose colours from your personal colour palette. We all like to make an impression when we have to make a presentation or have an important job interview. We want to be remembered in a positive way. One of the most effective ways to do this is to dress in shades that suit our personality. Wearing colours that don't suit us can show physical and emotional wear and tear, not only to ourselves but, more importantly, to others.

4. Be aware of the proportions of the colours you wear. Be aware that wearing too much of a colour can bring out its negative attributes and have the opposite effect to the one intended, not only for you, but also for others.

Chromatic advice:

Before accepting any position, ask yourself what the colours of the workspace say about the company and how you would feel about working there.

Is it a place that can meet your needs, and does it seem like a place where you will feel ignored and unsupported?

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